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Ascarate Park - Aren't they pretty?!

Updated: Nov 12, 2022

October 3, 2022

While playing at Chamizal on Sunday, I was talking to a member about the permanent courts being built at Ascarate.

He asked, "Do you think people will drive all the way down there?"

I replied, "There are 35 people here at Chamizal today, and Ascarate is about 7 minutes to the east with no pigeons. So yeah, I think they will come."

People have asked about fees to enter the park. As of February of this year, Commissioners voted to do away with the $2 weekend fee, so there are no fees with the possible exception of holidays and major events.

So if you are driving in the area, check out Ascarate map (all streets 1-way; from entrance traffic circle take Tom Lea loop around and back to near entrance).

UPDATE: As of October 18 we are waiting for the contractor to complete repairs before the courts will be open to the public and there will be a dedication ceremony.

We are almost there.

Play on,

Jamie Fisher

President, Pickleball El Paso Association

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