PEPA held a Beginner's Tournament at Don Haskins Rec Center on Friday, September 20. This was a great opportunity for some of our many newbies to try an event!

Have You Been Looking for League Play? How About This -
Marc Aguirre is forming a team league, two divisions, intermediate and advanced. Intermediate matches will be played at Grandview Park, advanced at Rio Grande RV park (Canutillo), with competition against Las Cruces teams scheduled for later in the season. A vote is underway asking players whether Saturday or Sunday mornings are more convenient, and play is expected to begin in November. Teams will be comprised of four players, two men and two women, and each round will consist of one men's doubles, one women's doubles, and two mixed doubles matches.
Team captains will choose players from the pool of entries. Entry fee is $10 for intermediate, $50 for advanced. For more information contact Marc Aguirre at 915-822-6604.
Wayne Thornton/Grandview Halloween Tournament Results

Ascarate Court Usage
As Ascarate continues to change, with the latest change being the addition of two roll-away nets, the way we share the courts is changing. At this time, there are four permanent nets and four sets of multi-use lines, but the court with the entrance gate is rarely used because traffic flows through there to get to the other seven courts and the paddle racks.
That leaves one court that requires a private net. Sometimes we see a private, stand-alone group playing among themselves with their private net. After an hour or so someone will say to me, "Jamie, those people have been on that court for over one hour."
Before deciding whether to say something to the group there are two things to consider:
Is there anybody waiting who has their own net? Lately there have been fewer players taking nets to Ascarate, and there is no point in chasing off a group when no one else has a net to set up.
How many people are waiting? If there is only one set of paddles waiting for four courts, why chase them off?
If there are three sets of paddles waiting AND someone has a net to share, what do you say to the private group? I tell them that there are others waiting to set up a net, they are welcome to rotate with the whole group, but if they prefer to play among themselves there are less crowded parks like Grandview, Sunrise and Mission Hills AND there are the futsal courts by the lake at Ascarate. Parks are listed on Where to Play on our website. Every time I have spoken to a group they have been friendly and accommodating. But before saying anything please check - of the people waiting, does anyone have their own net?
UTEP on a Roll
Last year UTEP's OLLIE pickleball club launched, providing a very successful option for retirees.
Now the students are starting their own club, meeting Mondays, 6:00PM - 10:00PM in the MAC gym (off of Sun Bowl behind softball field). They are looking for 10 inaugural members (must be an active student) so that they can apply for funding for equipment, but the paperwork will take some time. If you would like to donate balls or an old paddle it would be greatly appreciated. Donations can be given to Patty Morrow, Jamie Fisher or Ben Avalos. If interested in joining or for more information contact America Gutierrez at . Pass the word along to any students you know.
Play happy,
Jamie Fisher
President, Pickleball El Paso Association