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Ribbon Cutting Postponed

June 7, 2023

We received word late Tuesday night that the ribbon cutting ceremony scheduled for Wednesday, June 7 for the two multi-purpose futsal/pickleball courts has been postponed. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD. They may be open for use prior to the ribbon cutting - I do not know. Please read on for directions on how to get there for when they do become available.

Ascarate is a big place, so here is a landmark to help you find them. Take the second right

When you see this building and the lake on your right, you are on the right road to get to futsal/pickleball courts.

hand turn from the entrance round-about. Look for the building with the big fish on it. Drive down that road so that the lake is on your right. You will see the event Pavilion on the left and the courts are just before you reach the Pavilion.

Play on,

Jamie Fisher

President, Pickleball El Paso

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