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World Cup Results, Ascarate News and More

Updated: Jul 15, 2023

February 26, 2023

World Cup Results Are In, and the Winners Are ...

In first place, representing Italy were Milo and Ivan Molina from Las Cruces, with Adi Boykova

Pickleball tournament winners
PEPA World Cup Winners

and Carlos Guardado playing for Brazil in second.

Third went to Chile represented by Marc Aguirre and Javi Porras, with fourth being taken by Jose Guerrero and Eric Mata for Spain.

Rounding out the representatives of other countries we had:

Dr. Laura Houston and Julio Gutierrez Mexico

Cristian Hernandez and Jakob Salcido USA

Louie Morrow and Sara Kaltwasser Germany

Mylie Wood and Garrett Lehman Ireland

A great time was had by everyone - good pickleball, good food, good weather, and good company.

Credit goes to Jeff Harry for this fun format idea.

Here the contestants are being called to start by our dedicated event committee: Patty Morrow, Kelly Groves, Dina Chen, Terri Wilson, Sandy McDermott, and Ben Avalos. A big shout out to and Marc and Mayda Aguirre for the enthusiastic assistance in getting donations.

Let the games begin!

And of course we LOVE our generous sponsors!

World Cup Sponsors


Spouses - Want Your Own Newsletter?

Does your "other half" fail to share our club newsletter with you? Request your own by sending an email to and include both names on the membership plus the email you would like to have added. Some of you have already supplied us with a spouse email address. We have had issues in the past getting that field to generate an email, but we are trying a new approach. Let us know if you are having issues, but please check your spam folder first as many firewalls send them there.

News From Ascarate

What good is a pristine concrete slab? That depends upon what lines you paint on it. On Monday, February 27, Commissioner's Court will vote on a contract to line these four slabs, two of which will be multi-use futsol/pickleball. (Futsol is mini soccer like the courts at Chamizal.) This will give us more places to play at the park. If approved, work should be completed in 2 weeks to 2 months. The slabs are located by the pavilion. Coming out of the round-about, take the road toward the colorful building with the fish (aquatic center). I don't know how fast these concrete slabs will be - we will have to see after they are painted.

Unfortunately, the second tennis court renovation will not be soon. There are three projects underway ahead of us. After that, it will depend upon which of a few options is adopted as the most effective and cost efficient - too far out to predict. So! Our painter extraordinaire, Mr. Avalos, is going to put down some lines we can use them in the mean time. Yes, there are cracks, but we can do drills and warm up while waiting. Aiming to hit a crack could also make for good target practice.

I am working with Ascarate to get a usage agreement so that we can hold events there.

Police Games Early Registration Ends March 11

There is a $20 discount for registrations received by March 11. Answers to some questions that have been asked: contestants do NOT have to be from Texas - everyone who meets one of the eligibility categories is welcome. Also, only ONE partner on the team needs to be eligible. So! Only one person needs to be law enforcement, first responder, military or firefighter.

Forty-six events will be offered from a multitude of sports to Texas Hold 'Em and Dominoes. Pickleball will be held for the first time, to be located indoors at Chamizal, tentatively set for Wednesday through Friday, June 14 - 16.

ELIGIBILITY: All law enforcement, first responders, Retired/Active/Veteran or Reserve military from all branches of military service, and Retired/Active/Volunteer firefighters with at least one year service with a Fire Department. For more details click here.

GUEST COMPETITORS — Each authorized competitor can sponsor a Guest.

Other Events

Watch the club home page for details and updates on gym tournaments. We are expecting a flyer from Chamizal for a candy tournament in March.

Registration for Aaron Gifford (Las Cruces Lyons Park) continues at . If you are planning to play please register - the more entries there are, the more interest is generated in the pickleball community.

Play on, and play like this:

Jamie Fisher

President, Pickleball El Paso Association

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