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President’s Corner

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

January, 2022

Join Pickleball El Paso Association!

This club was formed to represent you, the pickleball community here in El Paso. Please support our efforts! Your $15 annual dues will be used for operating expenses, such as website hosting. Thank you, Kathryn Watson, our webmaster, for your hours of effort!

Our club launched November 8 when the inaugural board was elected. A huge Thank You! to our six board members for donating boatloads of time.

Our driving purpose is to get more facilities

I created a PowerPoint presentation that is posted on the website, on the About tab This is being used to pitch the City, County, and developers.

El Paso is the only major southwest city without a single, dedicated pickleball court, much less a facility.

Our goal is to get a public facility built similar to the eight courts at Apodaca Park in Las Cruces, which was dedicated October 1, 2021.

Approaching the City of El Paso

I presented to Ben Fyffe and Joe Rodriguez from Parks and Recreation. Their planning philosophy is to create “multi-use” facilities in many neighborhoods, like the gyms that we currently use. We need larger facilities that are available after work hours, that can host events.

District 1, westside: Kelly Groves and I met with Representative Pete Svarzbein November 1. He mentioned that plans were being developed on repurposing Cohen Stadium.

District 4, northeast: Ben Avalos met with Rep Molinar December 9, who was very enthusiastic and said he would put together a presentation for City Manager Tommy Gonzalez and Mayor Leeser. He also mentioned Cohen Stadium and said pickleball could be included. It is vital that more than just a few courts be built.

Other Board Efforts

One of our members, Franklin Stubbs LeBaron, is gathering cost data to present to Hunt. Additionally, a private investor, who owns nine acres next to Gallegos Park, is planning to build a sports complex. Thanks to efforts by Cheryl Salcido-Ginnings and Kelly Groves he is now planning to include pickleball courts!

I am scheduled to meet with County Parks and Recreation January 12.

What can you do to help?

Please contact your city council representative and advocate for pickleball! If you are willing to set up a meeting with your City Rep and you would like for someone from the board to go with you to present, please let us know. There are six Reps who have not been contacted.

Please support our efforts by joining Pickleball El Paso. At this time only in-person cash payments can be accepted. On-line applications are in our future. There is a lot of work to be done, and your board is in fast track mode, but we are only six people. If you have services, contacts, or information to contribute, please find one of us or use the Contact Us tab on the website. The Board is listed on the About tab at

Play on,

Jamie Fisher

President, Pickleball El Paso Association

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