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President's Corner

Updated: May 22, 2022

May, 2022

City Budget Survey (deadline 10 days, May 31)

The City has another SHORT survey about voters' priorities for the City budget. No surprise - I put Parks and Recreation, with a comment for building a pickleball facility. Telling the city what we want is a journey, rather than a destination. It is an on-going process. Question three asks your top priority; if you select "Quality of Life," the Parks and Recreation option will present, and question 4 has a freeform field that can be used to mention pickleball. Click here.

Member Picnic Huge Success

Seventy members and their guests attended our Member Appreciation Picnic event. Good food, lots of play - it was a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon. If you plan to play at Chamizal and you drive a truck, make a note - back your truck in while parking, as the reflection off the windshield impairs visibility on the court.

A special thank you to our event coordinator Sandy McDermott for the hours of your life that you donated, to Joe Daugherty, our brisket Master Chef, to everyone who donated food and money toward the brisket, and to Terri Wilson for our fabulous club banner!

To see updated pictures from spring events, click here.

(We Are Pickleball El Paso photos rotate.)

Pickleball for the Military

Would you be willing to go play after an all day session of obstacle course PT? Eight members of the Army Reserve 7248 Medical Support Unit were. The reservists enthusiastically participated in an introductory pickleball clinic Saturday evening at Sunrise ... that has to be better than crawling under a rope mesh! Lt. Col. Thao Nguyen, Commander, said she is looking at pickleball as an option to add to PT, and PEPA is trying to convince Ft. Bliss to put facilities on post. Once again, our event coordinator Sandy McDermott and Vice President Ben Avalos have done a great service to our pickleball community - thank you for organizing this event and to all of our volunteer instructors. Thao, Bruno, Daniela, Sean, Greg, Makayla, Daniel, William ... hope to see you on the courts soon!

Don't forget to complete the City survey at the top of this newsletter.

Play on,

Jamie Fisher

President, Pickleball El Paso Association

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