General Meeting Announcement PEPA 2024
Pickleball El Paso is about to reach an important milestone in our history: we will hold our first General Meeting at Grandview Rec Center, on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 5:30PM. This meeting is open to active PEPA members only, as defined as having paid dues as of December 1, 2023. This newsletter is sent to both active and inactive members, so if you are not sure of your dues status please email the club at or contact Jamie Fisher or Jim Rolph. At this meeting we will present how far we have come and El Paso's pickleball future. A Treasurer's report will be presented and we look forward to hearing from our members. PEPA is considering launching a capital campaign to build a facility, but this is your club - come, speak, vote. We also have hours at Grandview on Wednesday so come play indoor or outdoor before or after the meeting.
An election will be held for three directors positions. There are two eligibility requirements to run:
· be an active club member, as defined as having paid dues as of December 1, 2023, and
· be in good standing
If you would like to run for a Director position please send an email to the club at no later than one week before the meeting, by August 28. Please consider: Our Board is a “working board” rather than “oversight” and it does require dedication of time.
If you would like to volunteer to help with a committee such as events, fundraising, website, t-shirt sales, or donate your time in any other way we want to hear from you! We are in need of marketing and website support, as well as other business skills our members have, but all volunteers are welcome.
This is just some of the work being done by our volunteers:
Developing a Sun Bowl Pickleball event: Ben Avalos, Dina Chen, Kelly Groves, Patty Morrow
Neighborhood Improvement Project (to start pickleball courts at Mary Frances Keisling Park): Jim Rolph and Anita Pedregon
Capital Campaign (raising money) for courts: Franklin Stubbs-Lebaron and Jamie Fisher
Roll-away nets for Ascarate: Kelly Groves
Fall event: Patty Morrow Kelly Groves, Dina Chen, and Jamie Fisher
Annual Meeting: Jamie Fisher
Facilities, website, newsletter: Jamie Fisher
Facilities, clinics, gym tournaments: Ben Avalos
Treasury: Ben Chen and Jim Rolph
Event Results
The Pickleball Team Series event at Galatzan was a blast! Big Kudos to Omar and his crew for keeping 37 players hopping on just two courts! Six teams of six players, three women and three men, competed in a relay format segmented into 5 minute intervals. Team formation was completely random as names were drawn. Within each team, the first two competitors would play for 5 minutes, then hand their score to their next two teammates, and then finally two teammates would bring it home presenting one cumulative score for the team. In some rounds, Omar would call for a mixed lineup; others would be men's and women's doubles. Everybody was cheering on their colleagues. PEPA is considering this format for a future event.
Congratulations to the winners:
First Place: Jamie's team
Second Place: Kent's team
Third place: La'Ketrick's team
Congratulations Dennis Tramontana and Nolene Bench, first place winners of the Pat O'Rourke tournament. Also, thank you to Dennis and Ruben Pena for managing our Facebook page. Our volunteers are priceless!
Cloudcroft just opened six dedicated pickleball courts and held a tournament the last weekend in July. Here are just a few results:
Watch our homepage for the latest events.
Mark you calendar for our first Annual Meeting, and as always ...
Play happy,
Jamie Fisher
President, Pickleball El Paso Association