November, 2022
Save the Date: Ascarate Dedication and Opening is Here!
Tuesday, November 15, 10:00 AM (map link below)
PLEASE wear your club shirt! We want to show the County how strong our club is. Your club is planning an event to celebrate the opportunity for our east, west, and northeast players to meet at a central point. PEPA will be organizing the event (free) and therefor the obscenity policy will be in effect (see below).

Map of Ascarate (courts are to the right of the Healing Garden BUT all streets 1-way and you cannot go left from entrance; from entrance traffic circle take Tom Lea Loop around, returning to near entrance)
PEPA's First Scramble Is In The Books
A great time was had by all as we were blessed with great weather. A big Thank You! to Caprock Apartment Homes and the charity Do As We Do for sharing your venue and sponsoring this event. "We had a great turnout with many locals and out-of-town visitors taking part in the fun and getting a taste of the wholesome El Paso community," said Angelica Zuniga, Community Manager for Caprock. "A special thanks to all the 'picklers' who played with great enthusiasm and heart." Kimberly Scott, founder of Do As We Do, describes their mission statement: "To financially assist current family caregivers with self-care while making family caregiving a conversation ..." This challenge touches many in our pickleball community.

8:30 First Jeff Harry; Second Hilda Espinosa; Third Terri Wilson (Okie)
10:00 First Ezekiel Kwong (Deming); Second Troy Gutierrez (Las Cruces); Third Louie Morrow
All Hail the Chalk Crew! Once again our VP Ben is hard at work, hauling 10 foot 2 by 4's across Transmountain, strapped to the roof of his hatchback. Jeff Anderson and Doug drove in from Las Cruces to lend a hand, and our own Jeff Harry, along with Julio, Terri Okie and my husband Joe Garibay rounded out the crew. Great work!
And a big shout out to Patty Morrow for helping to run the tournament desk.

Marty Robbins has added hours on Thursday, 9 - 12 - go check it out!
Our VP Ben Avalos has been giving free lessons to people who join the club. Sessions will be reduced to Thursdays only, and will continue until the end of this year.
USAPB Rules Regarding Obscenity
The issue of what is appropriate apparel for pickleball play has come up.
From the 2022 USA Pickleball Rule Book, there are two directives that address profanity:
2.G.2. Depictions. Graphics, insignias, pictures, and writing on apparel must be in good taste.
13.G.1.b (Referee is allowed to regulate) Profanity (audible or visible) used for any reason.
The "F word" is obscene, therefor any depiction, directly stated, implied, or symbolized is against the USA Pickleball Code of Conduct. There are many limitations to "free speech;" obscenity is just one.
This policy will be used for all PEPA events.
Bottom line: we play to have fun. Let's keep it clean. On a secondary note, Rule of Etiquette: never discuss religion or politics. Let's keep the ugliness out of our recreation.
Way to Go Abby!
BIG Congratulations to member Abby Guardado for bringing home the silver in Women's Singles at the Texas Open, amid stiff competition. Way to go Abby! There were players from all over, and it took five rounds. "It was the toughest competition I have ever faced!" she said.

New Gym to Open - Grandview
Last month I reported that this facility could have six pb courts. We have received a draft of floor plans and there are three - we are trying to get confirmation on the size of the gym. Some indoor gyms like Chamizal are college size, some like Haskins are high school size, and some auxiliary gyms are elementary school size.
In any case, three courts is better than the one court originally drafted or the two we have been getting in newly constructed gyms. Thank you to Ben Avalos, our VP, for representing the interests of pickleball. Located on Jefferson street, this facility is scheduled to open next year.
Congratulations Organ Mountains PB Club - First Sanctioned Tournament is Big Success!
Organ Mountains' first sanctioned tournament was a huge success! El Paso was well represented, and there were many positive comments from the players. Congratulations to President Becky Dominguez, her board and volunteers. Treasurer Kathy Rittenberry enlisted so many sponsors there was no more room on the banners. VP Rita Borunda recruited the many volunteers needed to run the event. Dorothy Robinson gathered raffle items adding to the festivities and proceeds that will benefit local charities. Individuals in the PB community donated food to the hospitality table. According to Becky,
"The best advice I got was this: 'The success of your event depends on your ability to get volunteers.' And we did: set-up and tear down crews, match starters... so many volunteers."
Proceeds go to La Casa for Domestic Violence and Soles 4 Souls (shoes for kids).
Play on,
Jamie Fisher
President, Pickleball El Paso Association