January, 2023
PEPA concludes its first year
As we approach the anniversary of enrolling our first members, and the first permanent nets have been set in El Paso, we are asking that you please renew your membership. Organization gives us power and recognition. It gives newcomers a place to get started, learn to play, make connections, and for established players to find games and participate in club events. Your dues support our facility efforts and events. Our top two categories of expenses were the website ($400) and the filing to get our non-profit status ($175 - Thank you Cheryl!).
We are also planning events which will be membership exclusive or allow for member discounts; click renew to go to the link.
What have your dues produced?

New Outdoor multi-use lines:
Gary Del Palacio
Paul Harvey (and resurface)
Mission Hills (and resurface)
Permanent nets
4 military
2 public, Girl Scouts, and Medical and Dental Students
Member Picnic
Ascarate Picnic
Caprock Scramble
Indoor Access
Have you noticed that old gyms have lines for three pickleball courts, but the new gyms have only two? Our VP and Pickleball Ambassador Ben Avalos is serving on the Parks and Recreation Board and representing our community. Thank you Ben! His efforts should pay off when Grandview and Nolan Richardson open this year.
Mary Frances Keisling Park Update
The status update that Ben received at the Parks and Recreation Board meeting on Mary Frances was much more encouraging than the information I received the night before. Our "location zone" is 3, BUT for construction our pickleball courts are in phase I! The City is looking into getting grants to facilitate funding, rather than rely exclusively on voter approved bonds - yay! Look closely at the map; the dotted line separates the pickleball courts from basketball and tennis, with pb being in Phase I.

This is just some of the work your club does. Please renew your membership for 2023. The more members we have, the more weight we carry.
Does Having an Organization Pay Off?
You bet is does. Member feedback at the Community Engagement events was included in the architect's presentation to City Council. Here are some of the comment cards from the events in July and August. Anybody recognize their comment card?

Play on,
Jamie Fisher
President, Pickleball El Paso Association