April 7, 2023
Gym time changes for the summer
We are a VERY large city geographically, and it takes a long time to talk to Rec Center supervisors and to listen to our players. Over the past week we have obtained important information about changes on the horizon.
With regard to Veteran's Rec Center (NE), they are required to hold Kid Camps from 9:00 - 2:00, and Club Rec for a different set of kids in the afternoon. This is going to squeeze ALL adult sports. Bonita (Supervisor) has given us, effective immediately, two courts, Wednesday nights from 6:00 - 7:45 PM at Veteran's, and this will continue through the kid activities that run June - mid July.
I just spoke with Haskins and they expect to know their summer schedule next week. Galatzan does not expect any changes. We will contact all gyms and get updates.
City Council visit Tuesday, April 11

So! How does this effect our presentation at City Council at Call to the Public on Tuesday? There is still the empty court time at Chamizal. More hours would help our east siders as Chamizal is centrally located.

Advice I have received from insiders (regarding Call to the Public): Go in with a disposition of asking for help with a problem, being cooperative, and trying to work together for the good of the city. Someone said to me, "We have been nice for a year and it has not gotten us anywhere."
But ...
Over the last year we only approached the gym management and program director. This year we have been to Parks and Rec Board twice, and now City Council. I see signs that we are being noticed, and perhaps making an impact.
What is our focus for Call to the Public?

1. We have a problem - not enough gym time.
2. We have a recommendation - let us use the empty court time at Chamizal. Why?
a. Our hours are off-peak, most people are at work or school.
b. Hey ... they are empty. We are not displacing anybody.
3. Question: Will we get court time when two new gyms, Grandview and Nolan Richardson, open?
My information is that we have about four or five people speaking - we are coordinating who will say what - email the club or me if you want to participate in that discussion. Having a large, visual presence in the audience is impactful, so come and be seen.
Details for those coming:
Tuesday, April 11, City Council Call to the Public will start at noon. Please be there by 11:30, at 300 N. Campbell. WE NEED butts in seats. WEAR YOUR CLUB SHIRT so they see us. If you do not have one, please wear light blue (club shirts are the color of our header on our home page). This identifies us as a group and makes a statement.

There are parking meters on the streets and a pay parking lot in the 400 block of Campbell, that runs between Campbell and Kansas. Carpool if you can. I used to take the bus to avoid parking but I have too many stops to make on Tuesday. The Brio buses run from each part of town to downtown and are very fast.
If you want to register to speak, here is the link. They have an Elmo projector if you want to show a photo, and if you have any questions text or call me, or email pickleballEP@gmail.com. (I don't want to publish my phone number on the web).
OFFICIAL Club Facebook Page!

Pickleball El Paso has established a new, official facebook page that is aligned with the mission statement of the club: to get facilities, hold events, and promote pickleball in El Paso. Please click here to join us!
This is what our Association has accomplished in just over one year!
Multi-use lines at 5 locations.
El Paso's first dedicated courts at Ascarate - thank you EP County!
Two multi-use futsal/pickleball courts awaiting ribbon-cutting
Two multi-use tennis/pickleball courts approved
Dedicated PB courts in the Master Plans for Mary Frances Keisling and Memorial Parks
People ...
Club picnic
Two club competitive events (Caprock and World Cup)
Pickleball clinics for medical and dental students, the military, and Girl Scouts
Beginner clinic at Galatzan
Beginner lessons for all of the community
And we are not done!
Please join the Official Pickleball El Paso’s Facebook group and let’s continue to promote our sport in our area.
Rumor has it ...
The Board was told that "some people want to know where the money goes." Well, any member can email the club and ask for financial information. Or ask us at the gym. Or call us. Our first few months of operation started with Board members paying $400 of operation expenses out of their own pockets. The bulk was for the website and the development of the club logo. Our first calendar year included two upgrades to the website to enable payment processing and $175 to register as a 501c3. We also now have cash in the bank. And don't forget the balls, business cards and those cute little pickleball souvenirs Ben gives out at lessons, chalk for Caprock ... supplies. Hopefully in the future we can raise operating revenue through events and not require dues.
We did NOT spend $85 for our club banner because Terri Wilson did - she donated it. Many people have donated - we have fantastic members!
Join our Facebook group, be at City Council on Tuesday, and as always ...
Play on,
Jamie Fisher
President, Pickleball El Paso