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Ascarate Courts to Open, Dedication Rescheduled

Updated: Jan 27, 2023

November, 2022

Ascarate courts will be open to the public on Tuesday, November 15. The dedication ceremony will be rescheduled to a future date.

There is no separation between the front and back courts. Typically, on a tennis to pickleball court conversion, the tennis net is left in place to stop balls, but that net has been gone for years. A separating fence was in the project but was cut due to funding.

I have requested portable fencing be put up between the front and back courts, as well as to close off the 40 foot opening between the tennis and pickleball courts. In the meantime, I will be taking my net in case I need it to stop balls.

First permanent nets in EP - Ascarate

Map of Ascarate (courts are to the right of the Healing Garden BUT all streets 1-way and you cannot go left from entrance; from entrance traffic circle take Tom Lea Loop around, returning to near entrance)

Play on,

Jamie Fisher

President, Pickleball El Paso Association

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