PEPA Agreement, Release, Indemnity, and Waiver of Liability
In consideration of the acceptance of my application for membership in the Pickleball El Paso Pickleball Association (PEPA), I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns do hereby release, waive, and/or forever discharge any and all right, claims, and causes of action for damages that may be suffered by me as the result of preparation for and/or participation in PEPA activities. This Agreement, Release, Indemnity and
Waiver of Liability is inclusive for the benefit of the following named
Beneficiaries: Pickleball El Paso Association(PEPA) its members, officers and volunteers.
I recognize and voluntarily accept all risks associated with my participation in PEPA activities, no matter how remote or unlikely. I realize that my activity may well include serious bodily injury, catastrophic spinal injury (including total or partial paralysis), permanent impairment, brain damage, and even death. I recognize that these injuries may be sustained by me from falling, tripping, being pushed, running, striking or being struck by a spectator, another participant, a vehicle, equipment used in the event and the like.
As an adult, I take full responsibility for my participation in PEPA activities and for the level at which choose to participate. I have no impairment, physical or mental, that should preclude my participating in the activities that I choose. I am physically fit and capable of participating in the activities that I choose. I understand that I can remove myself from participating in any activity at any time I choose to do so.
I do not expect PEPA, its agents, volunteers, or officers to coach, manage, instruct or train me for participation in PEPA activities. I recognize that it is my personal responsibility to learn, prepare, understand and obey the rules for this activity or event.
Prior to participating as an athlete, I will inspect the facilities and equipment to be used and if I believe same to be unsafe, I will immediately report such condition(s) to PEPA officials. I will then immediately either decline to participate or should I decide to continue participating in the activity, assume the full risk of participating.
The undersigned expressly agrees that foregoing Waiver and Release of all claims is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of New Mexico and Texas and that if any portion thereof is held invalid it is agreed that the balance shall not withstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.
I hereby agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Beneficiaries from and against any loss, claims, complaints, injuries or damages incurred by them as a result of my participation in PEPA activities. THE FOREGOING RELEASE AND INDEMNITY IS INTENDED TO INCLUDE CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF THE ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OF THE BENEFICIARIES.
I consent to all emergency medical treatment as may be deemed appropriate under existing circumstances by medical personnel or personnel associated with PEPA activity. I agree to hereby assume financial responsibility for all such treatment.
By clicking I indicate that I have carefully read and voluntarily signed this hold-harmless Waiver and Release of all claims and fully understand its contents and meaning as full waiver and release of all claims, liability and indemnity for the beneficiaries named above.